Yaa..i'm not perfect on my ibadat..i admit..but i'm telling you that i try to improve it..but i dont tell other people..dont do that.. dont do this..better do ur solat then watching liverpool against MU..but when i opened my fb account last sunday..there's a guy who mocking my friend that he should do what i juz wrote and act like he is indeed a good person..but his display name appear SETAN as his last name..so religious guy now do good but in the same time living in family of the devils??
So..ape yang aku nak cakapkan ialah..dont look like u a good guy and try to mocking other person like u not doing any sin..with that gut..i reply his comment to my friend's status n he start to say that aku pergi belajar lagi la..ape la..so kau besar sangat ke belajar kat kolej tu..ur college pun takde lah famous mane..so he try to merendah - rendah kan aku..then he started to use gangster word which i refer to gua lu etc..so where is the good inside him where he try to tell my friend..nampak sangat die juz alim - alim kucing..
After i try to provoke him using the same method..then he turn out to be a good guy and ask Allah to make a better muslim..hey dude..i tell u what..u the one who suppose to ask for guideness for ur kesesatan..for ur shameful act when u mock ur own races..memang kau totally failed as a islam..memalukan kalau non - muslim baca..harapkan je kau besar - besarkan kau dah belajar jauh..but what i can tell you is this..u have learn NOTHING!!
so..from my point of view is..if u really a good religious guy..u dont have to show it..people will know from the way u give the advice..but incase u show it..apparently u not the guy u juz try to act to be one..a guy who i called..alim - alim kucing..
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