Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life As An Usher

Thank You..the common word that i'll say in my working days..grab the it..and return it to the customer..i also have to serve the customer..sometimes their behaviour is like shit..and what i do..i just smile and said what i need to said..i'm professional.. : )

With my co-worker Khalil Afiq

With my co-worker Syazwan at my work station

After hours of hardworking..we decided to have some relaxation

Welcome To MBO..enjoy ur movie :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Rough Week in MBO

There's been long since i get the chance to sit back and relax in my 24 hours..watching tv and wake up late..i didnt get any off day since i started work in is because the week that i suppose to get off day is CNY weeks and unfortunately its midnite all days..jadik aku terpaksa menjadi burung hantu balik pukul 3..

Minggu yang mencabar..tak pernah aku kerja kt MBO tengok orang beli tiket sampai beratur kat luar..sesuatu yang luar biasa bagi staf - staf kat sana coz kitaorang before this takde pun customer ramai mcm nie..and menyusahkan lagi kerja..banyak pulak short staff this week..huru hara lah jugak kitaorang but nasib baik everything is under control..

Hari ini pulak aku ingat monday tak ramai orang..aiyo..meleset tekaan aku coz first show pun dah hampir penuh Hall 1..hari ini pun paling ramai orang for monday..sebelum ni..mondaylah paling skit orang and hari paling boring la kerja coz takde pun short staff but boleh cover dengan pertolongan2 abang cleaner yang baik hati..kalau tidak mati aku sorang..thanks u guys..

Kerja macam drama la kadang - kadang..siapa yang emotional sangat and terbawak - bawak perangai sekolah menengah dia memang tak lama la kerja..kalau takde persefahaman and sikit - sikit nak merajuk bile ade gurauan memang jangan cakap kat tempat kerja macam ni..bile kau dah besar and dah kerja tempat - tempat yang memerlukan profesionalisme..jangan cakap setahun..sebulan pun belum tentu kau boleh tahan..kesian tengok co-worker aku yang tak pernah berbubah perangai dia..malas dah nak nasihat..sedar la sendiri..macam mane nak maju bro kalau perangai macam nie??

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Welcome To The Adult World

Today..aku buka akaun CIMB second account..aku bukak coz nak masukkan gaji aku..tak payah la asyik nak pakai cek jew..leceh, aku sekarang 17 11 month..tak cukup umur lagi laa if nk kira bulan..if tahun yes i'm orang kat kaunter depan sekali cakap aku kena bukak remaja punya..but bile sampai kt orang yang buat akaun tu..die kate die wat terus dewasa coz aku pun lagi satu bulan je nk fully they opened adult account for me..hehe..u know what..all my co-worker cant have the account..they have to opened up tennage i win..haha..

What i want to say is..dewasa..aku dah dewasa ke sekarang..tengok physical maybe la..mental..haha..still childish..but ape yang aku rasa..aku macam tak bersedia je nk melangkah ke alam itu..yela..dunia dewasa ni tak ada lah best sangat..tipu sana tipu sini..kerja..hutang..huh..mungkin aku tengok kat negative side..mungking positive side die lebih baik??

Dunia kedewasaan pun banyak drama - drama tikam belakang..semua nak naik selangkah lebih..tak ada nak kongsi sama - sama..tapi kat sekarang kat tempat kerja aku nasib baik tak ade mcm tu..tapi some how aku akan berdepan juga dunia macam tu..but mintak - mintak dijauhkan laa..memang bukan semua macam tu..but a few memang akan have to collect all experience that i can collect as my gear to face the adult well prepare to survive!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Wilayah Day!!

It's February know what it mean there's only 1 month left before the spm result come out..what the hell..the time is passing so fast till i cant realise that we are in the second month of the year..1st Febuary is the federal territory for the citizens of KL, Labuan and is public how do i start my day..exactly at 12.00pm..still working..huhu..

Today ada midnight show..have to do overtime la..and today got VIP teacher and my friend..shamin and kartik..after watch shaolin..we all hang out together at the ABC restaurant..laughing, talk about how shit is our job..the funniest moments..haha..i laughing all the wat..kartik is so funny although he didnt make any joke..hehe..the points is..i realise that..i missed my school life..i really miss it..the joy that we shared together is something that we cant make this more jokes to be laugh, only have to work work me..i didnt get off-day yet..but i do love my job is more relaxing and enjoying compare to them..although the pay is not big as them..but i find out that i'm suitable for this job and no way i'll quit before i get any proposal from university..insyallah..

So guys..February is lets kick out in this month and break a leg..and working is ur life now!!huhu..what a finisher la weyh..