Monday, March 28, 2011

Usher's Life

Usher or others call it Steward is the important department in the cinema..we always being approach by customer we answered their question with a smile and friendly treat..for me.. i love being an usher and I have no problem with this also help me to gain more experience and sharpen my communication skills..

this is few bits about my job..

Walkie - Talkie

We use it to communicate with each other..without it our work become more difficult..

A Torchlight and Headcount Paper

torchlight is use in the hall to show the customer their seat when the light are dimmed..the paperwork is to mark whether the show is cancel or not and how many customer are in

The Assembly of a standee

The Usher is being help by the cleaner to put all the stuff together..
The movie title is Priest..

Halfway to finish it..
The white shirt is my colleague from usher department..

Komang reaction when we finally finished it up..
wanna have some?? he said to the priest

Friday, March 18, 2011

Los Angeles in Chaos

What if we being colonized by some kind of alien who have the abilites more than us..the tank that we believe can protect us is nothing them..there's not many chances..there's only hope and
human will to live..the battle to survive..

World Invasion Battle : Los Angelas

Filem ini bukan sahaja menghidangkan aksi - aksi menarik dan grafik komputer yang menarik..filem mempunyai lebih dari itu..persoalan tentang kehidupan menghidupkan lagi filem nie..there's a lot of scene that bring a lot of emotion to the audience..persoalan tentang pengorbanan seorang lieutenant terhadap pasukannya..persoalan tentang meneruskan hidup dan perjuangan..persoalan tentang seorang suami kepada isterinya..filem ini bukan sekadar peperangan antara manusia dan alien..ianya tentang perasaan..that i wanna give a round of applause to the writer because he well written the script..

When i watch this make me think..macam mana if this thing happenned in my could i could i face can i save my love one..its make u think..filem yang serius tapi diselitkan sedikit unsur - unsur lawak..walaupun begitu..panggung tetap sunyi hingga ke credit..

Grafik komputer yang cukup mantap..i think 100& filem ini menggunakan CGI dalam babak die..looks real and the actor adn actress memang menjiwai watak..Aaron Eckhart selaku teraju utama sebagai Staf Sargeant Micheal memang memberi lakonan mantap selepas watak Harvey Dent dalam The Dark Knight.

If you guys want to see a war film that mix up with emotion..a heavy story line but it will leave a mark in your heart and brain..this is what u looking for..Battle: Los Angelas..


Thursday, March 17, 2011

The 18th Celebration

Yesterday..I with Intan, Khalil and Special One went to Mid Valley..luckily Intan can drive so she angkut we all wit her satria neo and we heading straight to tak payah nak naik public transport mcm haram kejadah tu(komuter)..

When we arrive..we all terus pergi GSC coz takut ramai orang..dat time pun dh pukul 11 lebih.. They all nk tgk merong..aku nak tengok we split..the special one sure la follow aku kan..then aku tersalah beli tiket..end up 20 minit of the film terlepas coz aku beli tiket awal..aku cakap kat org tu takpe la...mybe baru masuk budak ticket tu..masuk2 pas my ticket kena rip terus berlari2 pergi hall 16..terus melompat masuk and duduk..nasib baik cerita tu tak terlepas best part..liam nellson tu baru pas accident..the film is very interesting..full of conflict and mystery..berat jalan cerita if tak focus susah nak paham..luckily i love dis kind of movie..

Lepas tengok wayang..perut pun we all pergi lunch kt kenny friend Faris work there so sibuk la aku tanya his colleague where is he..then i saw him outside..i pergi la salam die..lame kan tak jumpe..then i ask..can we get a discount for our meal..then he laugh..pastu datang balik..nasib baik aku datang awal kalau tak kau tak merasa la discount..haha..then we we ask for the bill..he the one who brought it..then intan kuarkan her tokey kan..aku pun tanya la die..mcm mana nk bayar..then she said tak payah treat..aiyo..serba salah..yesterday pagi pun die dh belanje makan kat kedai die..then she said...that one from NLTJ(name kedai die)dis one from me..huhu..she so kind u know..

Masa pukul 3 something..intan and khalil wanna go home..i want to stay la coz nk jalan2 with special one..she already bought slice of secret cake they all went home..i have to go back with that haram jadah tren..aku dengan die pun carik la seat nak makan sedap lagi2 kena suap..haha..then i opened up my gift..i got two gift and a card..isi kad tu so sweet la..i'm so melt.. thank you so much my special one..akhirnya aku dapat jugak makan kek for my birhday..yeppi!!
then she want to play the i pun ikot jela..

Then..its to go home..paham2 la KTM mcm mane..delayed2 macam kt airport..sesak2 lagi..haish..same old stories..apa2 pun..i having a good time yesterday..thanks to my friend and the special u guys..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm Back

Selepas seminggu aku bercuti disebabkan chicken pox nie..aku hari ini masuk kerja balik..fuhh..its good to be back..memang rindu kat kerja..waktu masuk MBO tu berjalan nak masuk office..ramai la yang tegur..lagi - lagi manager..siap tanya lagi awak boleh kerja ke tak? nak aje aku cakap tak boleh nak cuti lagi seminggu...haha..silap2 dia bagi aku cuti selamanya..tak payah datang kerja..huhu..after punch in..aku pun terus pergi kat counter aku..sangat rindu kat spot tu..cuma ada budak baru la kt usher department..budak perempuan..quite nice..senang nk ngam la and takda problem kerja wit usher now takde problem dengan kekurangan staff..cuma other department ade problem with that..

Perubahan??mmm..tak banyak sangat changes..cuma filem baru je masuk kt mbo tu..semua kerja sama je..hah..muka..huhu..banyak kesan chicken pox tu la..kesan kulit nak salin kulit baru tu...ade yang dah tanggal dah tadi..aku tak nak lah kopek nanti orang cakap tak cantik kulit so terpaksa la tunggu tanggal sendiri..ramai tegur banyak kat muka..aku senyum jela..anyway..aku sangat - sangat bersyukur aku cepat sembuh..walaupun tak sembuh sepenuhnya tapi oklah tak teruk macam aku first2 kena..sekarang nie dalam proses nak sembuh lah..okla tu...cuma pantang je aku ade langgar beberapa kali hari ini..harap - harap tak effect aku punya usaha nak recover cepat...

Seronok dapat pakai uniform kerja balik..rase semangat nak kerja tu macam menyala balik..walaupun rasa nak tengok wayang tu aku rasa macam dah tak semangat..tapi aku still sayang kerja aku,i'm ready to face the challenges of being an usher again..goshh!! i'm glad to be back!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Raining Day

It was a raining..for whole day..aku hanya melihat titisan air hujan menuruni cermin tingkapku..
tak boleh nk keluar..sebab aku kena chicken pox..huhu..satu permulaan yang baik untuk bulan aku..bulan march!!

Aku memang jenis yang suka keluar rumah..if duduk rumah lama sangat mesti carik alasan nak keluar..bukan aku tak suka duduk rumah or aku fed up ngan orang dalam rumah ni..juz aku suka like that..lihat dunia i chicken pox has really slowing me work face pun terganggu dengan kemunculan chicken pox nie..hehe..

But aku dapat rilex dengan penyakit nie..manager kasi cuti 1 week kt far aku habis kn dengan baring..tengok tv..masa macam cepat je berlalu..tapi aku paling banyak berterima kasih kat parents aku lah..memang diorang sayang aku betol..aku cakap demam campak je abah aku dah belikan air kelapa..mak aku pulak jadik personal nurse aku..bahagia aku..hehe..thanks my parents.. the fifth day..dh kurang sikit la pox nie..demam pun dh takde..sakit badan pun dah hilang..alhamdulilah cepat hilang..takut jugak kalau berlarutan..susah nanti..