Friday, April 15, 2011

Something to Be Proud Of

I still remember how was when we shooting our comercial for the competition..Liga Remaja Kreatif SKMM Jalur Lebar 1 Malaysia..i borrowed my brother handycam..borrow the stand from bilik pengetua..orders them to remake the scene..say cut..laughing all the way..after a week we finally got to finished up the video..and we ask Mr Mong Khol(who make special appereance in the video) to deliver it to SKMM office at Cyberjaya..

We waited for the result to came out..after our spm finished..i said to them..mybe our teacher didnt deliver it and our effort is we decide to let go our dream..a dream to make something to our school that can be proud of..

But today..this thing happened

Haha..after months of waiting..finally my team got an answer..yaa..we make it to the top ten in Wilayah Persekutuan..its mean we are among ten good schools from 700 feel happy and excited and suprise when i read saifudin status..i go to the website to find out myself.. haha..when i was in school..i enter many competition but it didnt end up well..this thing is like a biggest achievement in my life representing school..i hope that we will win in wilayah and end up being the winner in the national competition..amin!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thunderstorm 2 Days in A Row

1ST DAY 11 April 2011

Around pukul empat..sekitar Spark Desa Petaligng tu dah gelap gelita..bunyi hujan boleh terdengar sampai dalam MBO..bunyi kilat dengan guruh jangan cakap laa..kuat and sampai dalam hall boleh dengar..pintu kaca yang PULL/PUSH tu pun boleh bergerak ditolak angin..memang angin sangat kuat..

Quite A heavy rain

I can only barely see the buildings..

The rain stop at 5 o'clock something in the morning..

2ND DAY 12 APRIL 2011

Today..jenis hujan yang sama turub menghentam Desa Petaling..memang gelap gelita..tengok gambar kat bawah nie..menakutkan..

Sewaktu dekat - dekat nak hujan

Selepas 1 jam setengah hujan pun reda

Walaupun hujan nyer kejap tapi ade jugak meninggalkan kesan..macam kat kedai intan..lampu tak boleh bukak sebab plug kena air..terpaksa ade yang kena pakai lilin..huhu..tak tau la kenapa asyik hujan je..musim kot ek?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Shoes

I punched out at 8.00 pm..waiting yen for about 20 minutes...straight to Jaya Jusco Maluri..i want to buy new work shoes because my shoe have a hole at its bottom so if i step on a puddle the water will go inside my shoes and make my socks wet..and u all can imagine laa how the smell gonna be..

While we are busy-ing window shopping..we accidently found this guy..

Work as a bag promoter..dis guy like bapak orang already

His name is Najib..we know each other at the primary school..SK Jalan Sungai Besi (1) that i was in a big size..he was 'sedang' when we bumped each other..first thing i tell him is..bro, kenapa buncit sangat..they he tarik my baju ke belakang then, better shape r this day..haha..a long time ago..he was my rival..i kinda smart at that time..always getting first in my class..and he's in number 2 position..but end up he took my position at 6th grade and we get the same result in our UPSR..

But in these days..he's getting further n further leaving me behind..he getting flying colours while i'm getting now enough colour and a broken wings..huhu..dude, i wish you have a good future since you have a good kick start..and dont forget to wish me well too..huhu..

When we are heading back to our home..yen motorcycles started to making weird sound..his heart pumps faster..owh..its nothing..its only

the motorcycles is running out of gas..huhu..luckily the pump station is not far

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tandas Kat Atas?

Menguap..aku rasa nak ambil angin kejap..dah lebih 12 jam duduk dalam MBO tu..keluar - keluar ada one woman nie datang dekat..then she ask something.."aaa..tandas kat atas ek?"..aku pun pelik..tandas kat atas?? Then aku pun tunjukkan tandas yang berdekatan..the she said thanks..

Yang pelik nyer..tandas mana ada dh kat floor tingkat paling last sekali..aku carik - carik then aku jumpa sebab kenapa dia tanya kat atas..because of this sign..

Arrow tunjuk atas tu..haha~

Aiyo..maybe dorg kena tukar sign condongkan sikit arrow tu..for orang macam akak tu paham tandas di hadapan bukan di atas..haha..aku pun jaja cerita nie kt co-worker..semua gelak aje dengar..hehe..geli hati aku..tapi thanks la akak buat aku hilang ngantok masa tu..ngee

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hujan di Pagi Hari

Perjalanan aku nak menuju ke tempat kerja pun diiringi dengan gerimis..takut jugak sekarang sebab banyak khabar angin pasal kesan radiasi dari Jepun tu..tapi kerajaan pun dah beritahu yang orang awam tak perlu risau..harap - harap betul lah..

Hari ini ada 2 staff baru..satu masuh usher dept..satu lagi concession..boleh lah meringankan beban kerja aku memandangkan usher lagi sorang tu dah berhenti..everything was fine except for the movie Battle : LA yang habis lambat disebabkan operator lahabow tu lambat pasang filem..

Malam tadi aku bersidang dengan yen dekat NLTJ..mula - mula dia tipu aku yang dia failed ujian JPJ..tapi dekat - dekat nak balik tu dia bagitau yang die lulus..cilakak jew..nasib baik aku tak bagi kata - kata pemulih semangat kat die..

Dekat sini lah tempat die bagitau..quite seram kan tangga nk turun rumah aku

Mungkin ade hikmah orang yang bermain dengan perasaan seorang kawan..ditakdirkan die terpijak taik kucing..haha..memang bau habis..yang menjadi mangsa motor die yang tercalit sikit..jenuh nk carik kayu nak bersihkan..dah lah pukul tiga masa tu..hujan pulak tu..

Euww..very - very disturbing

Anyway bro..congratulations..boleh lah around the town guna 4 wheels sekarang..hehe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Aprilness

Di sebalik acara kene mengenakan orang 'April Fool'..ada yang lebih menarik tentang bulan ini..aku selalu bayangkan dibelakang angka 4 bulan april ni tersembunyi seorang joker..maybe aku nak melambangkan bulan april nie simbol bulan yang penuh jenaka..macam tradisi april fool tu yang dah berjangkit dekat orang timur macam kita ni..

Hari isnin dan selasa lepas aku dapat off day..rasa bolehlah sikit nak berehat dari kepenatan berkerja memandangkan aku pun dh seminggu tak off day disebabkan short hari isnin aku pergi keluar jalan - jalan..hari selasa pulak aku habiskan masa dekat rumah..gantikan masa tidur aku yang tak cukup tu..

Infront of pavi..5pm